
So you want to know more about me, huh? Ok. Let’s get personal.

Hey there! I’m Brendan Da Costa.

Profile picture of Brendan Da Costa against a white brick wall and a majesty palm.

Brendan Da Costa is an award-winning short story writer, poet, novelist, content writer and (very, terribly) opinionated blogger. His eclectic personality is reflected in his distinctive yet versatile narrative voice. Brendan draws inspiration for his stories from his many interests (particularly history and art), his multi-cultural background and, above all, from his faith in God.

Follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Amazon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Brendan Da Costa in a red winter coat and black hat
When Did You Start Writing?

Before I even knew how! As a child, I used to scrawl in my mother’s notebooks (really just making loops) and pretend that I was writing the next great adventure novel. To this day, I swear, if I could only find those notebooks, I would have a best-seller on my hands… after maybe a few revisions. I eventually pursued a career in economics but came back to writing in my early-to-mid 20s.

What Are You Working On Right Now?

Tons of things! My head is swimming with stories and characters and interesting ideas. For now, I’ve chosen to focus on churning out more short stories while I continue the rewriting process for my first novel. I’m also hard at work on a novella, The Sun Sets in the West. Look out for that one. It’s a doozy.

What Are Some Of Your Favourite Novels?

Anything by John Steinbeck. Actually, I’m currently building a reading list of the books and novels that have been most impactful in my life. If you want cool updates like that, I recommend subscribing to my newsletter. (You’ll also get some amazing pictures from my hikes in the Rockies!)

Do You Do Freelance Writing?

I sure do! As someone who has always had a wide range of interests, I love the variety that freelance writing offers. I’ve been working as a full-time content writer for quite some time now and I’ve written blog posts and copy for everything from dental services to building websites with WordPress.

Some of my favourite freelance work is for Factinate. Check out my latest freelance work here.

Do You Have Any Advice For Up And Coming Writers?

Write! Write! Write! and Read! Read! Read!